
University Teaching and Learning HT24

Aug 5, 2024 - Nov 13, 2024
3 credits

Spots remaining: 2

1 kr Enroll

Full course description

CLS926-2: 28 August; 4, 11, 18, 25 September; 2, 9, 16, 23 October, 9:00-12:00 [TimeEdit]

Use the following Promotion Code on the next page to enroll in the course: DIPLOMA

Enrolment opens at noon May 2nd.


Course syllabus for CLS926 – University Teaching and Learning


Syllabus adopted 2022-03-02 by Jens Kabo, Diploma coordinator, EER, CLS


3 Credits

Grading scale: Satisfactory/not satisfactory

Education cycle: Second-cycle



Teaching language



In course package

Diploma in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education



Senior lecturer Jens Kabo



Bachelor ́s degree, 180 higher education credits or equivalent.

B2 CEFR in English (



The course aims to help you: 1) to develop your teaching skills; 2) to gain a better understanding of the principles and practice of effective teaching (such as constructive alignment) in different teaching situations in higher education; and 3) to start think about your teaching practice and development in a structured and scholarly fashion (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, SoTL).


Intended learning outcomes

After completion of the course the course participant should be able to:


      Describe different approaches to learning as well as teaching.

      Design and deliver lessons using a student-centred approach to teaching, which implies applying a variety of appropriate teaching techniques to meet the varying needs of the students and the objectives.

      Apply constructive alignment as a lens for course analysis and development.

      Identify and reflect upon ideas from educational literature and/or colleagues that will make a difference in their teaching practice.

      Reflect upon their teaching practice and development in a structured and scholarly fashion.


Course content

The course focuses on the recent and worldwide paradigm shift in higher education from teaching to learning. Today, university teachers are expected to be more of a “guide on the side” than a “sage on the stage”, more of a facilitator of learning than a presenter of information. Three fundamental questions therefore form the backbone of the course:


1.              What do we want our students to learn, and how can we make the goals clear to our students?

2.              How do we arrange teaching so that our students have the greatest chance of learning?

3.              How can we find out whether they have learnt what we wanted them to learn?


An important idea tied to these questions is constructive alignment, which means that different aspects of a teaching and learning situation should be brought together in a mutually reinforcing way that supports student learning.


Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is used as a guiding framework for the course and is introduced as a way for participants to think about their teaching practice and development in a structured and scholarly fashion. Teaching and learning methods used in the course include a mix of interactive lectures, small group and plenary discussions, demonstrations, case studies, delivering a 15-minute lesson (“microteaching”), reflective writing and reading about “best practice” in teaching as well as research into teaching/ learning in higher education.


Course organisation

The course consists of a series of half-day sessions where attendance is mandatory.



A successful completion of this course will be judged on the following:

      Attendance and preparation for the face-to-face sessions.

      Design and delivery of a 15-minute lesson on a chosen topic (“microteaching”).

      Completion of a constructive alignment analysis of a course.

      Completion of a concluding Reflection and development assignment


Degree of concreteness and relevancy, level of reflection and critical thinking as well as coherence of argument are important dimensions for the written assignments.



Teaching and Learning STEM: A practical guide by Rebecca Brent & Richard M. Felder, Wiley, 2016. Available as an Ebook through Chalmers library. In addition to the course book there will be some additional articles to read, which will be made available to participants.